DSP, LOAs and accommodations for your students

See UC Berkeley Making Extended Time, Multiple Attempts, and Assignment Accommodations in bCourses Quick Guide

Students with disabilities who participate in your alternate instruction may need additional accommodations for participation.  If you are unsure as to how to provide accommodations for a student, please feel free to reach out to the student's assigned DSP Disability Specialist, whose email is provided at the end of the student’s accommodation letter, for assistance. All online content must be accessible to the DSP students in your course when posted. DSP will continue to partner with instructors to ensure students’ disability accommodations are provided. 

For live content or videos

If you have a student who requires captioning as an accommodation and you plan on posting videos or live streaming content, please follow the instructions below.

How to have recorded Zooms captioned

Please submit recorded Zoom mp4 file toVideo Captioning Request.  Once we have the captions added, we can then send it back.  We will do our best to get the captions back as soon as possible.

Are you holding classes on campus?

If you have a student in class receiving realtime captioning and are still holding classes, please indicate so in theCART/Captioned Media Request form.

How to handle Course Capture that will later be uploaded bCourses

Please remember to wear a microphone. We will obtain the recorded video/lecture files from ETS.  Please indicate so on theCART/Captioned Media Request form to ensure we pull your recording to have it properly captioned.  We will not pull the course recording if we do not know you have chosen Course Capture as an option. 

How to handle captions in other platforms

Please contact dsp-captioning@berkeley.edu to discuss how to set up services.  Do not use YouTube for streaming course content.

If you will be showing videos and they need to be captioned, please fill outVideo Captioning Request.

Automated captions are NOT an acceptable form of captioning.  For more information on this, please review thisLink for clarification on automated captions. A quick way to determine if the captions are acceptable is to check to see if there is punctuation and speaker identifiers. 

If you have questions concerning captioning while online, please reach out to dsp-captioning@berkeley.edu (link sends e-mail). The Captioning unit has sent out notifications to all faculty who have a student with an LOA requiring realtime captioning and/or captioned media.

For students with visual disabilities in your classes, read aloud any content that is written out in your slides and describe the important figures and visual aids in your presentation.

If students need help navigating the Zoom interface, refer them to the Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts webpage.

Accessible articles/PowerPoint Slides/documents

PowerPoint slides, articles, and document files need to be accessible.  As an instructor, you have access to Ally that provides tools within bCourse to make your course content more accessible. All documents posted within your site receive an accessibility score through the Ally tool and also provides steps on how to make your content more accessible. If you have a student who requires alternative or accessible formats and you need additional assistance converting your digital print content, please contact dspamc@berkeley.edu for assistance.

To ensure that all students have access to the information in your class in a timely manner, make slides, handouts, and any readings available in advance of when you will be presenting them or assigning them.

Exams & Proctoring

If you have an exam scheduled with DSP Proctoring that needs to be rescheduled, please notify our proctoring staff at proctoring@berkeley.edu. Please note, DSP Proctoring has limited seating and proctoring is a shared responsibility with faculty. The Center of Teaching and Learning has published a Best Practices for Remote Examinations web page dedicated to the dissemination of best practices for assessment and examination. If you have a student with a disability that requires complex proctoring accommodations, please reach out to proctoring@berkeley.edu for assistance.

If you are a faculty member or GSI who needs to convert an exam into an alternative format, please send an email to dspamc@berkeley.edu. Please consult the DSP - Alternative Media webpage for more information.


Note-Taking accommodations will continue to be provided for students who require this accommodation within 36 hours of your lecture being posted or live-streamed. If a student has a concern regarding their notes or DSP Note-Taking services, please contact or direct them to dspnotes@berkeley.edu.

New LOAs and new DSP students

DSP students may require different accommodations in the online environment.  As a result, you may receive updated letters of accommodation throughout the semester.  Please consult with a disability specialist if you have questions about how to implement accommodations for the student. CTL is also available for individual consultation on making courses accessible. https://teaching.berkeley.edu/instructional-resilience-resources

DSP conducts intakes and receives new students throughout the semester as we are legally required to take students when they come.  Many students acquire a new disabling condition over the course of the semester as well.  Please implement new letters of accommodation when you receive them.  

Additional DSP Resources/Guidelines

Best Practices for Accessible Content: https://dsp.berkeley.edu/faculty/accessible-content

Proctoring - Faculty Request for Exam Accommodations: https://dsp.berkeley.edu/faculty/proctoring-faculty-request-exam-accommodations