Individual Consultations
The Center for Teaching and Learning staff provide one-on-one and small group consultations, serving as subject matter experts on pedagogy and thought partners for Berkeley faculty on all aspects of teaching. We are also available to assist academic departments, professional schools, and student advising units on a variety of topics and issues related to curriculum, program evaluation, and outcomes assessment.
Open Classrooms
While consultations yield very positive results, there is a great deal to gain from observing distinguished teachers in practice, and even more when that experience can be combined with a consultation. Many of our distinguished teachers welcome colleagues to observe their classes. If you are a UC Berkeley faculty member interested in learning from observing a colleague teach, contact with your request. Please specify any preferred disciplinary scope (e.g., Sciences, Humanities) and pedagogical interests (e.g., lecture, active learning, discussion) that would help us identify and suggest the most beneficial class to observe. We will then connect you with the identified colleague to facilitate scheduling of the observation once the distinguished teacher confirms their willingness to be observed at some point during the semester requested.
Peer classroom observation is only as beneficial as the observer's ability to extract the pedagogical elements and practices that positively impacted student learning. To aid this effort, a PEER OBSERVATION GUIDE is provided.