Page under construction. Please stop back soon for an updated page! - July 2016
If you are interested in pedagogy generally...
If you are interested in foreign language learning...
If you are interested in experiential learning, community-placed learning, and/or community engaged scholarship...
American Cultures (Engaged Scholarship) Center
If you are interested in integrating technology into your course/s...
If you are interested in teaching with GSIs...
If you are interested in fostering students' digital literacy and/or student research skills...
The University Library
During the academic year there are a few offerings posted. At times, The Library will provide on-demand workshops, such as "Guiding Student Research from a Librarian’s Perspective".
If you are interested in making your course/s more accessible...
If you are interested in data driven insights about students, courses, programs, etc...
Office of Planning & Analysis -
Cal Answers is an analytical tool allowing UC Berkeley faculty to view centralized, integrated information from various campus systems. The tool makes data accessible to locate reliable, consistent answers to critical campus questions.
Cal Answers is an analytical tool allowing UC Berkeley faculty to view centralized, integrated information from various campus systems. The tool makes data accessible to locate reliable, consistent answers to critical campus questions.