[1] Sponsored by EVCP Paul Alivisatos and VCUE Catherine Koshland, the Discovery Experience Initiative seeks discipline-specific ways to articulate and intentionally embed Discovery Experience across curricula. “Discovery Experiences represent the most transformative forms of scholarly and experiential learning and powerfully express what it means to receive an education at a major public research university in the 21st century. This broad term intentionally references a wide range of immersive learning that will prepare students for academic and professional success. Such learning spans four primary forms of undergraduate engagement: 1) Community Engagement and Field Work, 2) Research, 3) Creative Endeavors, and 4) Entrepreneurial Efforts.” Such learning can take place when students
- Engage with a project for a sustained period of time
- Face challenges of conceptualization, design, planning and implementation
- Build new skills and hone existing skills
- Gain an understanding of the larger context and purpose of the Discovery Experience
- Benefit from mentorship
- Participate in structured reflection
- Produce a culminating product that showcases what a student has learned
- Develop a deeper understanding of their interests, potential and future