CTL Faculty Fellows
This new award program selects recognized campus leaders who work closely with the CTL Faculty Director to ensure that CTL programming is aligned and engages with the most contemporary ideas, questions, and concerns that Berkeley faculty have.
Distinguished Teaching Award
The Center for Teaching and Learning supports the Committee on Teaching's efforts in recognizing excellent faculty with the Berkeley campus' most prestigious award for teaching through this program. It was initiated in 1959 to encourage and reward excellence in teaching on the Berkeley campus.
Lecturer Teaching Fellows
Lecturers at Berkeley are offered an exceptional opportunity through this program to meet regularly with colleagues from across campus to discuss teaching issues. Ten Lecturers are selected annually to participate in a series of workshops focused on teaching and learning.
Online & Hybrid Course Design Institute
This program aims to provide faculty with clear, specific guidance on what a quality online or hybridized course experience looks like and create a space where they can explore a variety of approaches to designing a partially or fully online course for undergraduates at Berkeley.
Presidential Chair Fellows Grant Program
This program provides an opportunity for a team of two or more faculty members to design and conduct a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning project in collaboration with CTL staff, in order to better understand and advance undergraduate education. The grant program awards up to $20,000 per year for two years.
Teaching Excellence Colloquium
The Teaching Excellence Colloquium is designed to provide Senate faculty new to Berkeley with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to advance their teaching skill set and promote meaningful learning experiences for their students. Participating faculty also become part of a cohort of peer educators across many disciplines.