Creating a Framework for Valued Learning Outcomes in 2030


This project aims to re-conceptualize and assess college-level critical thinking and informative literacy in the age of Generative AI (GenAI). In line with the mission of the California Learning Lab, our project focuses on undergraduate learning. Our team employs an asset-oriented, equitable, and accessible approach to instruction where we partner with instructors to rethink the assignments and rubrics by which we assess these skills without requiring nor banning student usage of AI. 

Project goals:

  • Characterize how both students and instructors conceptualize critical thinking and informative literacy: both their importance and the human vs. GenAI components of these skills

  • Develop a set of open educational resources (OER) to support instructors in assessing critical thinking and informative literacy in undergraduate courses, including but not limited to: rubrics, assignment prompts, checklists, modules

  • Articulate the relationship between AI literacy and information or digital literacy and develop training materials to support students in their AI literacy

Project components:

  • Mixed-methods research project on attitudes and perceptions of GenAI, particularly when it intersects with critical thinking and informative literacy skills

  • Collaborative materials development with the UC Berkeley Libraries, particularly the Instruction Services Division (ISD), and identified instructor partners

  • Pilot of developed instructional materials in a set of undergraduate courses with embedded learning outcomes assessment

Project updates:

As part of our IRB-approved study (CPHS Protocol #: 2024-07-17596), we invite current Berkeley undergraduate students and instructors to complete a brief survey to share their beliefs, perceptions, and feelings towards GenAI: Those who complete this survey will be entered into a drawing for one of ten $50 gift cards (estimated 1 in 50 chance of being selected) from their choice of three possible vendors: Cal Student Store, Berkeley Bowl Marketplace, or Pegasus Books Store.

This initial survey will take no more than 10 minutes. In this survey, you will also be asked if you would like to participate in more activities for this specific research study such as a focus group or follow-up survey, which both offer additional gift card compensation. 

There are very minimal risks to research participants. Participation in all parts of this study will be kept as confidential as possible. Any data from this study will be de-identified and/or reported in aggregate.

If you have questions about this study, contact Dr. Melissa Ko (

Last updated: February 6, 2025

Project Team

CTL Staff Team: Melissa E. Ko, Tara Mason, Rachel E. Weiher, Courtney Gomas

CTL Student Team: Maya Wu, Jishan Jiang, Breanna Cabusao, Maricruz Montes de Oca-Sanchez

UC Berkeley Librarians: Nichole Brown, Gisèle Tanasse, and others

Project Advisors: Jenae Cohn and Ula Y. Taylor