Q: Can I hire a graduate student instead of an undergraduate student? Why is a work-study undergraduate hire advised?

A: Graduate students who are brought on to work on a SoTL research project are considered academic researchers and must be paid in accordance with the new contracts ratified in 2022. Please reference the most recent required wage rates per these contracts (example of GSR rates starting in Spring 2023. Note that these wages do not include/reflect benefits or fee remission, which may be required as part of the appointment.

Based on these figures, please note that the current grant funds of PCF are insufficient to support a graduate student researcher (GSR) at the required hourly wage/benefits/fees. Fellows in conversation with their departments may determine if a GSR position can be funded through matching funds provided via the department. Else, Fellows are expected to hire an undergraduate student who is to be compensated in accordance with the listed rates from People & Culture (minimum $19 per hour) at no more than 50% time each semester across all job positions.

It is advised that Fellows seek to hire a student who is eligible for the work-study program. Not only does hiring these students support their financial aid package to attend UC Berkeley, but also a subsidy is provided for students hired via work-study which can reduce net costs for employment given the same number of student hours worked.