Q: What happens if my plans change and I spend less than anticipated in the first year? What if I spend more than anticipated?

A: If a Fellow spends less than they received in Fall of Year 1 during that year, any leftover budget is counted as carryover and compared against the proposed budget for Year 2. In submitting a budget for Year 2, Fellows will then by default receive the difference between the amount they list as necessary to conduct their research and the carryover from Year 1. An example of this is provided in the table below.

As shown in this table, carryover is considered when making Year 2 budget awards. It is in the interest of Fellows to spend their funds as proposed in carrying out their research plan and grant activities. Fellows will not receive an excess of funds when money remains unspent year-to-year in conducting their research.

Year 1 Received

Year 1 Spent

Year 1 Carryover

Year 2 Requested

Year 2 Received






If Fellows spend more than they received in Fall of Year 1 during that year, the Fellow and their department must cover those extra costs during that budget year. CTL is not able to provide more than the $10,000 allocated to each Fellow during a particular fiscal year. Moreover, as shown in the table below, Fellows will not receive additional funds in the next year to make up for their deficit.

Year 1 Received

Year 1 Spent

Year 1 Carryover

Year 2 Requested

Year 2 Received

Year 2 Available Research Funds



-$1,000 (covered by department)



$9,000 (based on carryover deficit)

In the aforementioned example, if $10,000 is necessary to conduct the work of the proposed project in Year 2, then the Fellow and their department will be expected to make up the difference. While research plans change and some costs may arise that are not anticipated, a significant deficit should be discussed with the Fellow’s assigned CTL staff mentor.