IB 77: Integrative Human Biology

This course, features weekly lectures by different Integrative Biology faculty members. Each lecture, lasting an hour, delves into their research grand challenges, how these relate to the courses they teach, and the societal benefits.

Authors: Dr. tyrone B hayes, Professor in Integrative Biology, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Judy Chandler Webb Distinguished Chair for Innovative Teaching and Research, Dr. Robert Full, HHMI Professor in Integrative Biology.
Course Number & Title: IB 77: Integrative Human Biology
Grant Type: Berkeley Discover Departmental Innovation Award Program(link is external) (Discovery Trailblazers)

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0(link is external)

human biology


IB 77: Integrative Human Biology

Delivery Format


High Impact Practices (HIPs) Categories

(Review definitions for each category(link is external).)

  • First-Year Seminars and Experiences
  • Common Intellectual Experiences
Learning Objectives
  • Introduce majors and potential majors to the range of integrative research within the department
  • Give students an opportunity to learn about the spectrum of research and courses offered by the different IB faculty
  •  Help students to create connections and answer questions about how to get involved in research and prepare for numerous biological careers
Course Expectations
  • Attend class each week.

  • Participate by asking presenters questions and reflecting on what work resonates or inspires them.

  • Complete weekly quizzes where students demonstrate that they have participated for the week by attending class and engaging with the material.

Assignments Types

Weekly quizzes regarding material presented by guest speakers. Designed to help students engage with the material and participate.

Overview of Grading Criteria

The course is Pass/No Pass and the goal is for students to gain an overview of the department and participate with the material and speakers, not retain a collection of facts.

Impact & Feedback

Below is a student response from the short-answer portion of the Discovery Student Survey that was distributed in Spring 2023. Selected this quote because it seemed to very nicely sum up the goals of the course and how the student fel they were met. The question the student was responding to is: “What did you learn in this class?”

“Throughout this course, I was able to learn different approaches to fulfill research, expand my biological sciences knowledge, and overall, I was able to gain the extensive opportunity to learn about the spectrum of research and the myriad of courses offered by the different IB faculty.”

Applicable Materials See syllabus document 1(link is external), syllabus document 2(link is external).