Whether it is the start of the new academic year, or the start of a new calendar year, it is really always a good time to make and commit to some New Year's Resolutions.
New Year's Resolutions:
- I will read my evaluations from last semester and apply whatever I glean. (If I don't know, I’ll ask the Center for Teaching and Learning for help).
- I will think about the learning goals I have for my students, and articulate them to the class.
- I will remember to include on my syllabus the following: statement about plagiarism/academic integrity, grading policies, late work and attendance policies, due dates and dates of exams, to name a few.
- I will visit my classroom before the first day of class.
- I will not over-prepare for class.
- I will not cram too much content into one small semester.
- I will learn more students’ names.
- I will engage my students more in their own learning.
- I will provide some early feedback to students before the drop deadline. For details on add/drop deadlines, including those for Early Drop Deadlines, see the Registrar's Website
- I will not say, “Any questions?” Rather, I will encourage questions with phrases like, “At this point, I would think you might have questions” or “What questions do you have?”
- I will make use of the resources available on this campus, including teaching.berkeley.edu, which I intend to make my homepage on my browser
- I will get more exercise.
- I will ask someone (perhaps a CTL consultant) to observe my class.
- I will achieve a Zen-like balance between lecture and activity/directed discussion; between PowerPoint and using the chalkboard; between work and personal life.