Past Projects 2017-18

Amount awarded: $48,329.36

Mark van der Laan, SPH: Enhancing the Comprehension and Application of Optimal Statistical Methodology and Theory

Niko Kolodny, Philosophy: Creating Pedagogical Resources for Teaching the Philosophical Skillset

Leslea Hlusko & Tim White, Integrative Biology: Primate Skeleton Replicas for Teaching Comparisons between Humans and Great Apes

Brian Wagner, English: Development of Undergraduate Course Module that Interfaces with the "In the Same Boats" Research

Robin Ball, Molecular & Cell Biology: Development of Instructional Materials for MCB 38

Armando Fox, EECS: Enhancing Large-Enrollment Course Resources with Learning Analytics

Amelia Barili, Spanish & Portuguese: Researching, Designing and Creating Multimedia Collaborative Assignments and Assessment Tools for Interdisciplinary Courses; and Honorarium for a Speaker; Present on Designing Authentic Assessment Assignments in Interdisciplinary Courses at 2018 Lilly conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning

Vesna Rodic, French: Course Redesign, French 303, “Teaching in French, Advanced Level”: Resources and Assessment; and Course Redesign, “Intermediate French”:Resources and Assessment

Patricia Steenland, College Writing: Author visit, Ruthanne Lum McCunn

Teresa Caldeira, City and Regional Planning: Evaluation of the PhD program as part of the Academic Program Review and aiming at future curriculum development

Kristine Madsen & Jaspal Sandhu, SPH: Addressing Emergent Challenges in Public Health with Design Thinking: Food, Climate & Behavior

Greg Choy, Ethnic Studies: Honorarium for Guest Speakers for ES 176: Against the Grain: Ethnic Art and Artists

Matthias Kondolf, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning: Developing interactive exercises for lectures and case studies of applications of
environmental science to sustainable design.

Anibel Ferus-Comelo, GSPP: Honorarium for Guest Speaker for PP190 and PP290

Maria Barrios-Leblanc & Sylvia Tiwon, South and Southeast Asian Studies: Speaker Series on Creative Writing and Philippine Studies

Cynthia Aban, South and Southeast Asian Studies: Presenting paper: Proficiency Assessment of Filipino as a Foreign Language

Jack Colford & Jade Chung, Epidemiology: ​Autograding software for R assignments

Candace Slater, Spanish & Portuguese: Materials to improve Portuguese 27 with an eye towards increasing ongoing interest in courses about the Portuguese-speaking world

Noah Whiteman & Rasmus Nielsen, Integrative Biology: Development of Laboratory Modules in Population and Evolutionary Genetics

Richard Andrews, Center for New Music & Audio Technologies:  Increasing Student Diversity and Engagement Through Video Interviews