Regardless of whether an instructor chooses to use remote proctoring, discussions of the honor code, and what constitutes academic integrity should occur at the beginning of the course and throughout the semester.
Best practices and alternatives to Zoom proctoring can be found on the Academic Senate's website. Many of the communication recommendations discussed in the resource are also helpful in situations where remote proctoring is not used. We also recommend using tools such as Turnitin to support academic integrity.
Remote Proctoring Resources
On August 18, 2022, EECS faculty presented an information session to instructors and GSIs about remote proctoring, including strategies to maximize academic integrity, respect student privacy, and minimize instructor and student stress.
EECS Remote Proctoring slide deck - August 18, 2022
EECS Remote Proctoring Video Recording - August 18, 2022
Which courses can remote proctor their midterm and final exams?
All instructors are permitted to use Zoom for remote proctoring (e.g. use of remote observation of students while they take exams, either via live Zoom, Zoom recording, or other visual recording) in for midterm and final exams.
Instructors are not permitted to use third party proctoring products, with the exception of a small pilot of HonorLock within the Haas School of Business.
What are the instructor’s responsibilities?
An instructor can require that a student take a remote exam in a location in which the student's privacy is not compromised. However, the instructor must either arrange for a sufficiently private place to take the exam if the student doesn't have access to such a space or administer the exam in person.
Instructors who intend to use remote proctoring should further adhere to the best practices listed below:
Inform students before the drop deadline, either on a syllabus or in a separate written communication, that remote proctoring will be taking place for midterm(s) and/or the final exam;
Following existing Senate guidelines, provide accommodations for students who have letters of accommodation from the Disabled Students Program (DSP);
Read the Remote Exam Policy Recommendation Report, produced by the Academic Senate Working Group on Remote Exams, which describes requirements, best practices, and the reasons behind them;
Establish and communicate procedures to help students with limited wifi access or wifi access that may be disrupted during the exam, and do not penalize students for technological issues during the exam;
Prevent students from viewing one another’s physical environments during exams, to protect their privacy;
Allow students to opt-out, and have alternatives to remote proctoring as necessary.
What are best practices for remote proctoring?
General features of successful workflows are:
Keep zoom proctoring instructions and infrastructure simple
Communicate to students early enough for them to express concerns, get clarifications, and discuss accommodations with the instructor.
“Dry runs” of the exam give students and proctoring staff (instructors, GSIs) an opportunity to discover and address technical issues.
An identity check (often using a student’s ID) is permissible
Protect student privacy by preventing or significantly minimizing students watching other students taking exams.
Establish and communicate a method for students to report technical issues during the exam.
Establish policies to accommodate students who experience technical difficulties during the exam (e.g., extra time).
Establish and communicate methods for students to ask questions during the exam, and for proctoring staff to communicate to students during the exam.
Adhere to the processes for identifying and reporting suspected academic misconduct.
If an instructor chooses to use Zoom for proctoring that instructor is responsible for administering and delivering the service, and either their department or college are responsible for any associated costs for implementation (with the exception of your Zoom license). Primarily those costs could entail GSIs time to set up and proctor the exams. Instructors should be mindful of the potential additional GSI workload associated with preparing for and administering the remotely proctored exam