Self-Paced Videos for Improving Access in an Introductory Music Course


Project: "Self-Paced Videos for Improving Access in an Introductory Music Course"

Cohort 2020-2021

Music has always presented an exceptional set of challenges to the classroom instructor. Studying music involves being guided repeatedly through works or performances in real time—sonic experiences that, in turn, stand in a complex relation to the various technologies and visual props that capture and mediate them. Funding from the Resilience Grant Program has allowed us to create initial components of digital tools that place students in active dialogue with musical works and concepts. These materials are intended to be self-directed and self-paced: students are able to consult and revisit them as needed in order to hone their comprehension of new concepts as the semester progresses. Some of the videos we have produced have a built-in component of self-assessment, incorporating questions or exercises that allow students to measure their mastery of material and work to improve it. Students in Music 27 this term got a preview of these materials, which we hope to continue developing for use in future semesters.

  • Emily Zazulia
  • Mary Ann Smart
  • Nicholas Mathew