
Chem 102: Foundations of Discovery Learning for College of Chemistry Transfer Students

This one-unit course is designed to assist incoming transfer students with their transition into the College of Chemistry through discussions around coursework and careers, interactions with the CoC community, and rigorous preparation for engaging in a creative discovery learning experience. Author: Katherine Blackford, Lecturer in Chemistry Course Number & Title: Chem 102: Foundations of Discovery Learning for College of Chemistry Transfer Students Grant Type:...

PSYCH171: Psychological Research on Children of Immigrant Families

This course is an undergraduate lecture series that introduces students to psychological research on children in immigrant families. It covers scientific theories, research methods, and key findings related to the development of children growing up in these family environments. Author:Qing Zhou, Professor in Psychology Course Number & Title: PSYCH171: Psychological Research on Children of Immigrant Families Grant Type: ...

IB 77: Integrative Human Biology

This course, features weekly lectures by different Integrative Biology faculty members. Each lecture, lasting an hour, delves into their research grand challenges, how these relate to the courses they teach, and the societal benefits. Authors: Dr. tyrone B hayes, Professor in Integrative Biology, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Judy Chandler Webb Distinguished Chair for Innovative Teaching and Research, Dr. Robert Full, HHMI Professor in Integrative Biology. Course Number & Title: IB...

IB 75: Berkeley Changemaker: BioDiscovery, Community, and Culture

This course aims to enhance students' leadership in science and Integrative Biology by guiding them in value reflection, community engagement, research experiences, and the creation of their own DeCal courses and RSOs. Authors: Nichole Lewis, Postdoctoral Scholar in Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley, Diyala Shihadih, Postdoctoral Scholar in Shortlidge Biology Education Research Group at Portland State University, Dax Ovid, Assistant Professor in Physiology and Pharmacology at University of Georgia and Robert Full, Professor...

COLWRIT 107: Translation in Practice

This course provides an English language setting for an immersive dive into translation studies. This work will culminate in a significant, public facing translation project designed around principles of discovery: we will aim to challenge conventional notions of a translator’s visibility by emphasizing development of paratextual materials, direct community engagement, personal contexts, and work with archived primary sources. Authors: Chisako Cole and Ben Spanbock, Continuing...