Enhancing Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Physics Using Data Science Techniques for Data Analysis and Simulation


Project: "Enhancing Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Physics Using Data Science Techniques for Data Analysis and Simulation"

Cohort 2019-2020

Physics Department aims to increase student participation in Discovery Learning and Experience by adding new data science components to the curriculum. Elements of the proposal are: 1) Development of data enabled homework assignments for two upper division classes. Assignments for Physics 129 will highlight strategies and techniques for data analysis. Assignments for Physics 112, a core course requirement for Physics majors, will demonstrate the use of simulations to model complex phenomena. 2) Incorporation of a data intensive option into the capstone Advanced Experimentation Laboratory. 3) Enhancement of the mentored research experience by developing guidelines for scientific presentations and providing a forum for such presentations.

  • Marjorie Shapiro
  • Armin Jazaeri
  • Uros Seljak