Timeline for APR Process

Estimated Timeline for Learning Outcomes Assessment with CTL

The timeline for the full assessment process is provided below. Note that departments that complete this process in one academic year will only be able to collect data from courses that run in a single term (fall or spring). This diagram/table reflects the ideal timeline of a 1.5 year or three semester process.

timeline for assessment process with CTL during academic program review as represented in the below table

Number Step Action Items


(Academic Term) *


(Months) *

1 Build Partnerships

Confirm participation in the optional CTL partnership

Participate in an initial meeting between CTL and major department stakeholders

~3 semesters before  18 months before
2 Identify and Prioritize Student Learning Outcomes

Share program-level student learning outcomes (SLOs)

As needed, revise and update SLOsSelect 2-3 SLOs to focus on during learning assessment process

Identify relevant capstone/culminating course experiences for students in the program 

~2-3 semesters before 15-18 months before
3 Identify Direct Measures of Student Learning

Communicate between CTL team and instructors of identified courses

Identify relevant coursework (i.e. assignment) where students demonstrate selected SLOs

Develop an aligned rubric for the chosen SLOs and chosen coursework via iterative revision between CTL team and department

~2-3 semesters before 12-15 months before
4 Collect Direct Measures of Student Learning

Build Canvas rubric to use in the relevant bCourses sites

Train instructors and any teaching team members to evaluate student work using the provided rubric within Canvas

~1-2 semesters before 6-12 months before
5 Analyze Direct Measures of Student Learning

Score evidence of student learning by evaluating submitted coursework against the provided rubric **

Pull rubric evaluation data from Canvas to analyze patterns of achievement for each SLO

~1-2 semesters before  6-12 months before
6 Communicate Findings

Review a CTL-generated report on the assessment process and findings to date

Participate in a debrief meeting with CTL staff and major stakeholders to discuss curricular improvement opportunities

1 semester before 1-2 months before

* all provided timing is relative to when the self-study is due, please confirm your department’s timeline with the APR director

** funds provided by CTL may be available to compensate for reader hours in this task, pending budget constraints