“Activating History of Art Teaching: Bringing Connect, Capstone, and other Student Research Experiences into the Curriculum” Whitney Davis, Jun Hu, Anneka Lenssen, Sugata Ray (History of Art) Cohort 2021-2022
The fellows worked to develop and test curricular pathways within the History of Art department meant to more immediately bring intending majors and transfer students into a learning community based upon sharable research questions and transferable skills. We focused on the goals of 1) strengthen student opportunities to understand the scope of the field and acquire...
“Social Practice with Data - Integrated Curricular Materials for Data Science” Renata Barreto, Andrew Bray (Statistics), Cathryn Carson (History), Ari Edmundson (Data Science Undergraduate Studies), David Harding (Sociology) Cohort 2021-2022
This project collaboratively develops interdisciplinary Data Science course materials that use real-world practice to knit together human, contextual, and ethical (HCE) learning with computational and inferential learning. Our course materials help students move through rigorous multidimensional analyses of compelling, socially...
In this project, students engage in experiential learning outside the traditional classroom, using materials like templates, checklists, and itineraries to plan and execute immersive excursions.Author: Christine Gehrig-Downie, Lecturer in Environmental Science, Policy, and ManagementGrant Type:Lecturer Teaching Fellows Program (LTF)
In this project, students engage with a cross-disciplinary website offering activities and exercises that connect course readings to real-world issues like racism, gender inequality, and Islamophobia. The resource aims to develop critical thinking, research, and writing skills while fostering peer interaction and a commitment to social justice, equity, and inclusion. Author: Srijani Ghosh, Lecturer in Theater Dance and Performance Studies Grant Type:...
In this assignment, students engaged in activities to help them connect concepts between assignments and classes. These activities, inspired by James Lang’sSmall Teaching,were designed to be adaptable for use in other classes.Author: Kim Freeman, Continuing Lecturer in College Writing Programs Grant Type:Lecturer Teaching Fellows Program (LTF) Assignment Details:...
This project outlines strategies for linking reading and writing in Advanced French courses using the multiliteracies framework. By designing activities that promote collaborative work on analytical writing, the approach fosters student engagement, familiarizes them with the research process, and integrates the use of supportive technologies and tools.Author: Vesna Rodic, Lecturer in French Grant Type:Lecturer Teaching Fellows Program (LTF)...
In this project, the aim is to enhance literacy on diversity, equity, and social justice in composition classes. It explores how biases affect text interpretation and develops strategies for safe discussions on racism and oppression.Author: Jennifer Cho, Lecturer in English Grant Type:Lecturer Teaching Fellows Program (LTF)...
This project uses social media and news outlets to deepen language learning through the lens of social justice. In Filipino, students analyze words like "freedom" across various media to build critical thinking and vocabulary. In Burmese, students study anti-coup memes and discuss hate speech, learning how language evolves with societal changes. Authors: Karen Llagas & Kenneth Wong, Lecturers in South & Southeast Asian Studies Department Grant Type:...
This project aims to create a framework for remote senior thesis seminars in the humanities and social sciences, addressing the isolation students often feel during thesis writing. It develops course materials to ensure students have the structure, resources, and community support needed to complete significant research.Author: Sarah Gold McBride, Lecturer in American Studies Grant Type:Lecturer Teaching Fellows Program (LTF)...
This project aims to diversify public discourse by creating a tool to help students, faculty, and community members, especially from underrepresented groups, contribute to op-ed writing during critical times.Author: Rose Carmen Goldberg, Lecturer in Berkeley Law Grant Type:Lecturer Teaching Fellows Program (LTF)...